Tamburi invests 120 million euros in Eataly

IMG class=hide alt=”Tamburi invests 120 million euros in Eataly” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-eee5c11bcfd7eb14159499bbbe6ceba8.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 10 – Tamburi Investment Partners SpA announced Monday that it has bought 20% of high-end Italian food retailer Eataly for 120 million euros. PThe deal is aimed at preparing Eataly to list its company shares on a financial market by 2017./PPEataly, founded in 2003, operates in Italy, the United States, the Middle East and Asia with a network of 30 stores and plans for future openings in Moscow, Sao Paulo and London./PPIn the US, following success of Eataly outlets in New York and Chicago, the company said it plans to open new stores in Los Angeles, Washington, Boston and New York’s World Trade Center./PPIn Italy, a 5,500-square-metre outlet is slated to open on March 18 at Milan’s Teatro Smeraldo with a wine cellar and a Michelin-starred restaurant./P
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