P(ANSA) Ancona, May 5 – Firefighters on Monday were mopping up hundreds of basements, garages and hotel kitchens flooded during freak weather that hit the Marche resort of Senigallia last week-end, killing two people.BRMarche Regional Governor Gian Mario Spacca wrote to Premier Matteo Renzi asking for the government to declare a state of emergency for the region hit by “much damage” when flash floods ripped through Senigallia on Friday.BRFirefighters said they were answering as many as 300 requests for water to be pumped out of basements, garages and restaurant kitchens.BR”We dealt with more than 100 requests during the night but in buildings below street level there is water to a depth of two to three metres,” said an officer in Ancona regional fire service headquarters.BRFirefighters from Florence, Lucca, Venice, Rovigo, Bologna and Rome raced to the Marche to help with the emergency in Senigallia.BR/P
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