IMG class=hide alt=”Marines case ‘should have been settled in first three days'” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-53c9a95f5ab2d966aa060fac1599db2f1.jpg” (see previous). P(ANSA) – New Delhi, February 15 – The case of two Italian anti-piracy marines accused of murdering two Indian fishermen two years ago should have been settled in the first three days, before they became enmeshed in an Indian state’s “deadly” judicial and electoral workings, Italy’s envoy said Saturday. “No one could have imagined, on February 15, 2012, that this unheard-of affair involving two Marine Fusiliers would be protracted for two long years,” Foreign Undersecretary Staffan de Mistura told ANSA as he was about to leave for India on another bout of shuttle diplomacy./PP”The most suitable time to resolve it were the first 72 hours,” the long-serving diplomat said./PPAfter that, de Mistura said, Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre “entered the deadly judicial and political-electoral gears of Kerala,” the southern India off whose coast the incident occurred./P
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