, software ensures the immortality
PThe technology not only made it possible to prolong life but soon can give a kind of immortality. As you read the Times of London, a Romanian Marius Ursache business man, he is working with his boot software ‘’, which will create a 3D ‘avatar’ of a deceased person with whom you can interact with a computer and complex artificial intelligence algorithms./PPThe platform will use millions of person data collected during his life: emails, photos, post on social media. All this will make it possible to simulate their behavior and personality. Family members can ask to your avatar and even talk with him, like remembering a vivid episode together. “To preserve a memory – said the businessman – something to in life can be used by children or grandchildren. ”/PPBut there are criticisms: there are those who indeed says that so families will not be able to come up with a proper duel and a reason for the loss.BR/P
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