P(ANSA) – Parma, April 15 – Police have arrested a pensioner on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, who they say was arrested while downloading some 50 illegal files at home, authorities said Tuesday.BRCops surprised the 71-year-old retired engineer while he was allegedly in the process of downloading photos and videos onto his computer.BRThey said the computer already contained 50 gigabytes’ worth of images and footage of adolescents, children, and even babies just a few months old, some of them clearly the victims of violence, police said.BRAuthorities also seized an external hard drive and the suspect’s cell phone, containing images of children taken in public parks, as well as a pair of binoculars trained out his window and onto the local kindergarten.BRA kindergarten teacher photographed his car’s license plates and alerted authorities after catching the pensioner loitering near the school fence and asking the children to raise their T-shirts.BR/P
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